"Aanya Jain Buried Alive"

Ever wonder that why it takes years and years of learning to understand a person? Ever wonder why each and every human being is different in their individuality? Some people would say that it takes a life long time to know a person; some say that it only takes seconds to figure a person out and some say that knowing a person completely isn’t possible. How wonderful it is that every human being has a capacity to change his or her human emotion or personality in various different ways.
To figure out this theory I ran for some practicals and did an interview with my classmate Aanya Jain,22, a student of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Lucknow, who not only shared her memories with me but also told me about her passion converting into her profession, her thoughts about love as well as her fears. So let’s see how well I got to know her after this following interview:

What do you feel about home? How many members do you share it with?
Home sweet home. It is the only place that I can relax and be the way I want. I have one little brother with whom I have an amazing tuning. There is my mom, loving and caring and I share everything with her and then there is my dad who is like a best friend to me. I mean, I can laugh with him, I can fight with him, I can almost share anything with him.
What is your best childhood memory?
My best childhood memory was when I got student of the year award in High School because I was the senior perfect of the school. It was my best memory that I always cherish.

If you had a chance for a “do over” in life, what would you do differently?
I would definitely give my board exams again. I don’t know what I was doing at that time. I only scored 78%.
Why did you choose this profession?
I choose it because I was attracted towards the camera and I wanted to become an anchor.
Which anchor inspired you?
No one really inspired me to become an anchor and if I have to say it is Manish Paul whom I like to watch.
What do you feel most proud of?
I feel proud of being talkative, bubbliest all the time.
What is your favourite music and why?
Oh I love music, I love listening to rock music. When I hear those beats I just want to dance and dance. It makes me feel so alive.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
I would love to go to Paris. Although I know nothing about Paris, I only got inspired by the Eiffel Tower and I never wanted to know about it from the internet and from anyone else because I want to explore it myself. I just want to have that wonderful surprising experience that could stun me and excite me.
If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?
Five possessions, hmmm (thinking). First of all, my parents because I can’t live without them, my foster dad, he is my boss at work who treats me like his own daughter as he has none of his own. And yes! my Phone, guitar and obviously my clothes(It was the basic item that I almost forgot).
Which teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?
When I was in 5th class, there was my English teacher who really helped me through every step of the way during my school life. She believed in me and always wanted the best for me. She also supported me in plays and actually she was the one who pushed me to perform on stage and since then I just fell in love with the stage.
What do you want your tombstone to say?
(Laughs) Wait, I had a thought about it. Let me check it in my phone (Checks phone). Yeah- “Aanya Jain buried Alive”.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I mostly spend my free time using social networking sites. Although, I don’t like Facebook that much but I like using Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat as well as reading books and watching YouTube.
If you won the Lottery, what would you do?
I will buy a beautiful house for my parents, car for my brother (smiles) Lamborghini to be accurate and will buy myself lots and lots of clothes and gadgets.
Who do you admire the most in life?
My Dad. He is Admirable.
What are your top three favourite books and why?
The Kite Runner, The Alchemist and The Fountain Head because it connects me to life and reality.
What are you most afraid of?
Failure. It haunts me.
What love feels like to you?
Love is something where two people understand each other. Love starts from forever.
What is your strongest personal quality?
That people get attracted to me easily.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Oh no! (hides her face). Okay. When I was in school there was a guy who had a crush on me and never said anything to me and I knew that he had a crush on me. So one day, he walked up to me in front of my friends and said, ‘I Love You’ and I was like- oh-uh-oh, I will talk to you about it some other time. That was so embarrassing. I can’t forget about it.
If you were president, what would be the first thing you do?
I would declare a holiday on my Birthday.
If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?
(Thinks) Umm, from past it would be Queen Elizabeth’s handle and Queen of wales wedding.
What does a perfect day looks like to you?
A perfect day for me would be if I am sitting on a swing, listening to rock music, and sipping coffee on a hill station.
What scares you the most?
Losing my loved ones scares me the most.
What would your favourite t-shirt be like?
Wait, I have this one too (search on the phone) this one is my favourite (t-shirt saying- Chocolate is the answer: Who cares what the question is?). Although, I want it to be Ice-cream instead of chocolate.

What do you think of the department that you study in? Mention one merit and one demerit about it.
Well, we get to do many activities and as far as being hi-tech according to the media study, it lacks a little.
What do you like the most to eat?
I love street food. I can eat Pani-batashe all the time.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now and with whom?
Ten years from now, I can see myself as a well-known anchor with a person who has a personality like SRK, who is a little witty and properly dressed man, who is mature than me and who would take me as I am.


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