A scientific perplexity

We tend to think that we have acquired knowledge about everything in this world, we think that we know about every little thing around us but it is those little things that sometimes baffle even the scientists.

Let us find out about these things that even the scientists cannot get an answer for.


It has been seen many times that some people are allergic to peanuts. Why? Why anyone could possibly be allergic to a thing which contains all different kinds of protein in it?
As we all know that our body's immune system normally fights infection. But, when someone is allergic to peanuts, the immune system overreacts to proteins in it. Every time a person eats a peanut, the body thinks the proteins are harmful invaders.

 Peanut allergens most commonly associated with anaphylaxis, a sudden and potentially deadly condition that requires immediate attention and treatment.

This is why; many airlines no longer offer peanuts in fear that an allergic passenger might inhale peanut dust and suffer a life-threatening reaction at 30,000 feet.

Similarly, many schools have declared that they are "NUT-FREE". 

There has been a rise in the cases reported about the peanut allergies, which is of course in different kinds with different people.

According to a study, In May 2010, it is reported that peanut allergies in children had more than tripled between 1997 and 2008.

Scientists have come up with a theory that because children are growing up in much cleaner environment today than fifty years ago so maybe their immunity isn't as good. 

The peanut allergy has become the deadliest allergy but the scientists have not been able to find a complete cure for it yet.


Hiccups are something we encounter often, much to our annoyance. The question arises that why do we have hiccups and what causes it? And more importantly, what makes hiccups more annoying is the fact that scientists cannot figure out why we do it.

Well, hiccups happen when the diaphragm inhales air quickly, and they tend to happen if we eat or drink too fast. However, doctors and scientists cannot figure out why it happen, as it do not contribute to any survival tactics and they cannot explain the biological response.

Not only can they figure out hiccups, but figuring out how to stop them can be just as complicated.

But I can enlighten you with a trick to get rid of these hiccups easily and quickly. All you have to do is just to take a glass of water and you have to hold your breath for 10 seconds while drinking it. You might found it a little weird and stupid but try this, it always works!


While we are perplexed about the decision that whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, we skipped the fact that tomatoes have more genes than we humans do.

A few years ago, geneticists from different countries came together in an effort to create better tomatoes, tried to decode the DNA sequence of the tomato genome. To their surprise and anyone else's, they found that the tomato has 25% more genes than we do.

In a human genome, we have only 20,000 genes, less than tomatoes which have about 31,760 genes. In fact, not only a tomato has more genes than humans but onions, rice, etc also have more genetic complexity than us.

The tomato produces its genetic complexity by gaining more genes through cell division so that they could use it for their survival. Since plants are rooted and cannot move away from a hostile environment, the extra genes give them more genetic versatility to adapt changes.

According to the researchers at Harvard, not all DNA is useful or participating in gene activity. Scientists are not sure what the purpose of this additional genetic material is, so they refer to it as "Junk DNA".


Animals have something that humans don't and that is the ability to somehow sense magnetic fields. This is known as MAGNETOCEPTION  and  science is having a hard time explaining why it exists.

For instance, pigeons do have traces of magnets in their beaks and this has inspired a theory that claims that maybe animals have magnetic bars in their DNA cells, which gives the ability to feel magnetic fields and their shifts.
There is also another theory that believes in animals having sight that is sensitive to magnetic fields as well! 

Despite recent advances, however, magnetoceptors have not been identified with certainty in any animal, and the mode of transduction for the magnetic sense remains unknown.

So, if any of your elder tell you that they know everything about life and you should listen to them all the time, well, you can show them this post and ask them a few questions. Maybe they have their own explanation what our scientists don't. 


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